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- receive our weekly market analysis every Tuesday (in French only)
- access more products (baseload, peakload, spot, months, quarters, Cal28, Cal29, ...)
- view more history for all products
- view forecast over 3 years and past products
- receive daily prices by SMS
- keep track of your favorite products
- receive our weekly market analysis every Tuesday (in French only)
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Interactive price curves
From now on, Sirenergies will provide you with an interactive graph for tracking one or more gas, electricity
or CO2 products.
Because our vision is based on transparency, advice and responsiveness, we are offering you a free, no-obligation
a free, no-obligation monitoring tool for
your business to cope with the many volatilities of the markets.
Follow your favorite products
With free access and free of charge, we give you the opportunity to follow Elec EEX Baseload Forward Cal26 and
Cal27 as well as Gas PEG Forward Cal26 and Cal27.
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Register for free to access more history and follow more products.
Weekly market analysis
We analyze trends in the electricity, gas and CO2 markets with our forecasts for the week.
This is the basis for the Sirenergies in-house sales meeting at the beginning of the week.
Register for free access to our market analysis delivered straight to your inbox every Tuesday.
Register for free access to our market analysis delivered straight to your inbox every Tuesday.
The little extras
Did you know? Stay alert to fluctuating market prices: we give you the opportunity to receive free
gas and electricity closing prices every morning.
every morning.
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